State #7, alphabetically - Connecticut. 48th in size, but 4th densest in population of all 50 states. Much of the density is due to its proximity to New York City, and it is a part of the New York Tri-state region. My connections to Connecticut include staying at a friend's home in Salisbury (it was beautiful) for a couple of days, touring Trinity College and Yale with Ed when we did the grand tour of northeast colleges, and watching the movie "Mystic Pizza", set in Mystic, Connecticut where my friend Ann lives. I am intrigued by the river and seaport aspects of Connecticut. I realize they exist, but haven't experienced them. Ann says she'll show me around Mystic if I ever get there.
The postcards of the chrysanthemums and the river view are both from the 50s, and must have been part of my grandmother's collection. While searching for the chrysanthemum nursery, Bristol Nurseries, I found that the nursery doesn't seem to exist anymore, but the exact postcard is for sale on Ebay for about $6. Same with the river view card next to it.
I'm thinking of ditching the state seals for when I do the next series of seven states (the next ones being Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana and I'll probably do eight and throw in Iowa, just to get through the I's). Anybody have any thoughts? Keep or ditch?
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